How To Make a Vegan Charcuterie Board

How To Make a Vegan Charcuterie Board

Have you ever wanted to make a charcuterie board but didn't know where to start? Chances are, you're not alone. Traditional charcuterie boards are packed with meat and cheese that contain animal products and are made with cured meats. Fortunately for those who want a meat-free, dairy-free alternative, vegan charcuterie boards can be as delicious—and easy—to make at home! Here's how:


Start with a variety of vegan cheese.

When it comes to charcuterie boards, cheese is an important component. If you're hosting a vegan friend or family member, getting the right kind of cheese can be a little tricky. That's because many kinds of cheese contain animal products like milk and dairy. But don't worry—there are plenty of delicious non-dairy options available!

Nuts, seeds, and other plant-based ingredients give vegan cheese that sharp flavour and texture we all know and love about dairy products. Vegan cheeses come in various flavours: some have tangy creaminess similar to mozzarella, while others have nutty or spicy flavours similar to Parmesan or cheddar (you'll even find vegan versions of blue cheese!). These range from simple cashew-based to coconut milk-based varieties that mimic creamy Swiss-style cheeses (perfect for fondue).

Here are a couple of examples of these plant-based cheese wonders:

100% dairy-free, plant-based cheeses from:


Load on the vegan charcuterie meats.

  • Try to find vegan charcuterie meats made from soy, seitan (a high-protein meat alternative made of wheat gluten), mushrooms, and nuts. They're usually easy to find at grocery stores and online. These products are a good source of protein and can be used to make sandwiches or put on an actual board with veggies and crackers (or both!).


Add pickled vegetables.

  • There are two ways to add crunch to your board. You can purchase pickled vegetables from the store, or you can make them yourself. If you choose the latter, there are many recipes online for making pickled vegetables from scratch. Pickling is a great way to get more vegetables into your diet because it's easy and doesn't need much effort beyond the initial investment in time and ingredients.


Add fresh vegetables and fruits.

These can include any vegetable you like, but we recommend adding various colours, textures, and flavours. For example:

  • Add something crunchy for texture—crackers or breadsticks (vegan if desired)

  • Add something sweet—grapes or strawberries

  • Add something colourful—broccoli florets, radishes, bell peppers


Don't forget about bread and crackers.

  • There are plenty of ways to start a charcuterie board, but bread and crackers are a good option. Bread is the perfect way to soak up the juices from meat, while crackers can be used for scooping up cheese and spreads. Making your bread or crackers at home will make your charcuterie plate even more special!


Get creative with spreads, sauces, and condiments.

While a charcuterie board is usually thought of as meat-filled, you can easily make a vegan one. The key is to get creative with spreads and sauces—and remember to ensure the condiments are vegan!

Some ideas for spreads:

  • Veggie spread (e.g., hummus)

  • Nut butter (e.g., cashew butter)

  • Fruit spreads (e.g., strawberry jam)


Garnish your charcuterie board with nuts and flowers.

  • Nuts are a great way to add crunch to your charcuterie board. You can use any nut you prefer, but we recommend almonds, cashews, or pistachios.

  • If you want something with more colour (and a slightly different texture), consider adding some edible flowers! We love using edible flower sprinkles because they come in so many colours—they'll look great on top of anything from fruit salad to cheese plates to savoury snacks like this!


Vegan charcuterie boards are easy to make at home

You can make your own vegan charcuterie meats or purchase them from the store. Many companies sell vegan charcuterie meats online and in stores around the country (and even internationally!). Or, you may be able to find them at a farmer’s market or butcher shop near you.

To prepare a vegan charcuterie board at home:

Let's start with the basics:

  • place your beautiful solid-wood charcuterie board on a clean surface

  • add crackers, bread, and grapes or apples - they are great choices for a base.

  • add colourful veggies like peppers or carrots

  • add some olives or nuts like almonds or peanuts for texture and flavour.

  • garnish with berries and/or edible flowers


Vegan charcuterie boards for an elegant picnic.

Picnics with a charcuterie spread are also very unique and elegant. Here's how to make it amazing:

  • Pack up your ingredients into a cooler.
  • Spread your blanket on the grass or sand.
  • Add a few throw pillows and your favourite beverages.
  • Place your ultra-thin picnic charcuterie board down on a level surface and begin to create your magic!  



You’ve done your research and set up a vegan charcuterie board. It's time to enjoy what you've prepared.

Once everything is set up on your table, start making the most of those delicious ingredients! These tips will help you do just that without any animal products in sight.

As a final garnish for a beautiful evening setting, light a candle or two and play some soft music. Remember to have some plates and napkins within easy reach. Your guests will have a memorable evening, and you will leave a wonderful impression.

Takeaway: A vegan charcuterie board is easy to put together and can be used as an appetizer or even an entire meal!

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